Do you wanna join us for a deep dive into Yoga by honoring the traditional roots and bringing the practice and science of yoga into the modern world?
This is what is waiting for you on your journey:
Liquid Flow Yoga holds the structure and discipline of Ashtanga and Iyengar Yoga, infused with the immense creativity and dance-like flow of modern Vinyasa. It is a fresh and inspired blend of classical and modern styles.
Practice dynamic asana as a movement mediation in an open system that guides the student to experience the practice as an unscripted adventure. Asanas are practiced with a keen eye to detailed physical / energetic alignment and awareness of complimentary and opposing actions. There is an artful focus on creative transitions that add elegance and uniqueness to the flow of the practice. Finally, an observation upon the subtleties of the breath upon body and mind. In our Yoga Teacher Trainings we utilize principles of Vinyasa Krama to create an evolutionary practice that aims to challenge, invigorate and harmonize body, mind and soul.
Learn the process of allowing the ultimate guidance to be from within. Experience the practice becoming exquisitely complete.
- In person learning withcore teaching staff + guest teachers and musicians.
- Choice of special online modules with core teachers and guest teachers. Topics include Finding and Sharing Your Purpose with Sinah Diepold, Yoga On and Off The Mat with Sophia Thora, Yoga Therapeutics and Advanced Anatomy with Susan Michel, Healing Arts and Restoratives with Simon Park
- Comprehensive Training Manual covering history, philosophy, essential teaching skills, anatomy, creative sequencing, asana instruction, therapeutics, chanting, pranayama, yoga nidra and many more topics.
- Physical and Spiritual Sadhana – creating a deeper practice for deeper awareness for yourself and others. Challenge yourself to new heights in your practice, learn the biomechanics of a safe yoga practice, and learn to adapt the practice for all levels.
- Physical, Energetic and Fascial Anatomy – Learn from the experts how to integrate the knowledge of anatomy into your practice and teaching.
- Meditation and Pranayama – Applied Practice, Technique and Theory.
- The Art of Hands On Assisting – Learn visual assessment and body reading. Apply anatomical knowledge for postural alignment. Learn assists for helping students advance and move deeper into postures safely.
- Inversions, Arm Balances, and Backbends – Practice, teach and assist these dynamic postures full of energetic benefits.
- Creative Sequencing in the lineage of Vinyasa Krama. Learn traditional and modern methods of sequencing from Ashtanga, Iyengar and Vinyasa.
- Raja Yoga – The Spiritual Path. How to span the bridge between physical practice and the spiritual journey through philosophical teachings, meditation, and Bhakti Yoga practices such as mantra chanting.
Connecting the modern science of body and mind with the ancient wisdom of Yoga. We honor the diversity of current lifestyles to bridge the gap between yoga, excercise science, functional training and psychology; the goal is optimal wellness for body, mind and spirit.
We integrate cutting edge information from sports science, functional training and psychology to complement the intricate teachings of the Yoga tradition, to build a clear and grounded understanding of body and mind. Knowledge to share with students, for your personal practice and life: a fresh experience of Yoga, fitness and wellness.
The art of creative Vinyasa Krama sequencing. Learn the proper placement of asanas in sequential and progressive order. Create intelligent, safe and creative flows that will take your students to the next level.
We will review, break down and discuss sequences taught by Simon, Sinah and Sophia during the training. Included will be discussion and construction of sequences based on the principles of Vinyasa Krama. Also, how to theme powerfully, sequencing toward peak poses, and designing your own asana flows.
Deepen the layers and your ability and confidence to design and deliver creative and satisfying sequences for all levels, different types of classes and workshops.
Learn the approach towards transformational hands-on-assists with physical and energetic alignment in this teacher training. Assisting is a very important element of teaching; a great compliment to good verbal cues. It requires excellent vision, precision, sensitivity, multiple points of awareness and an ego-free approach.
A skillful touch has the power to transport your students to a whole new level of awareness. What could take years for a student to understand a particular action or movement, could be done with one precise, effective, supportive assist from a well-trained teacher.
Simon has trained and assisted one of the best in the business when he spent years assisting for Shiva Rea.
Practical, theoretical and philosophical aspects of becoming a yoga teacher. Explore essential principles that will greatly inform your practice and teaching.
Practice teach with direct feedback from peers and guides (Simon, Sinah Sophia and assists). Understand that each teacher has their own unique voice and each student, their own individual path of practice.
Develop a more integrated understanding of anatomy in a yogic context to support you in deepening your personal practice and teaching skills.
We will explore bio-mechanical connections in body-reading, asana alignment and hands on assisting in a playful, fun and comprehensive way. Learn simple, body-based somatic practices that will enrich your spectrum of movement while helping your body develop safely towards a more advanced asana practice.
Discover how all limbs of the practice come together while taking a closer look at ground/space orientation, spinal movement, major joints and their dynamics in the body and how all this blends into the three dimensional web of fascia that reflects who we are and how we move in this world.
If you’re interested in one of our 200hrs Yoga Teacher Trainings, please do not hesitate to contact us via
We will be happy to hear from you!